Blood sugar control goes beyond diabetes!

There’s a reason that some of us get that 3pm yen for caffeine / carbs / sugar and it has to do with blood sugar management. Keto isn’t for everyone, however… it does have its time and place. By taking a page from the Keto playbook and upgrading breakfast to ONLY fat and protein, often times the afternoon crash simply doesn’t happen.

Over the past several years, I’ve been recommending to patients to break their morning fast with fat and protein. That’s not so say don’t have fruit or fiber or other yummy things; just have them at least 2 hours after fat and protein.  It creates a different type of blood sugar reaction and slows insulin spikes that create a need for quick energy in the afternoon to keep you going.

The classic suggestion is avocado and eggs; which I live for. But it’s important to rotate your food. So we’ve been mining the inter webs for additional recipes that we think you’ll get a kick out of. Bon Apetit!
