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Home Remedies

14 Magic Uses for Epsom Salt


14 Magic Uses for Epsom Salt

It’s heartbreaking to think how Epsom salt has been relegated to the bottom shelf in the back of the pharmacy. Where’s the love? I grew up knowing the power of a good old-fashioned Epsom salt bath and was turned on to its clinical uses while studying Asian medicine. However, over the past year I've discovered 14 additional reasons why Epsom salt rocks!


Epsom Salt = Foot Heaven


Epsom Salt = Foot Heaven

Epsom salt is one of my medicine cabinet staples and I’m increasingly prescribing it to help patients with everything from migraines to TMJ to bone spurs to insomnia. So far, everyone has LOVED it! 


How to Avoid the Flu-pocalypse


How to Avoid the Flu-pocalypse

Outside of the standard "wash your hands" there are a whole host of things you can to do to stay healthy between now and spring. Some of the below suggestions will help you become a "Flu Day Prepper" by creating an autumn arsenal should the Flu-pocalypse hit. Other suggestions will help give you the best chances of it never happening - either way, stay healthy my friends!


Your Summer Herbal Medicine Chest


Your Summer Herbal Medicine Chest

The summer list is here in full force: long days, BBQ's, weddings, beer gardens, fire works, bonfires, sun burns, summer love, and an expansion of the heart! Here's a few tricks of the Acupuncture trade to keep you balanced.


Hangover Heaven


Hangover Heaven

The road to hell is paved with good intentions; it starts with "just one drink" and a commitment to be home by 10pm. The middle part is the stuff of legend, but the ending is awful. We've all been there, but the awful didn't learn us - and we keep going back as our curfews are blown.

When I tell patients to curb the sauce, unless we're in a "do or die" situation, I fully acknowledge the nods are little more than polite. It's my responsibility to see you safe, regardless of the situation - and a recurrent conversation I often have after "stop drinking" is "how to handle a hangover".

